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Astaroth.Global - PvP Ultra Fun
Astaroth.Global - PvP Ultra Fun






The Server is an Ultra Fun PVP Unique Gameplay Mode

With Level 255 with Hundreds of Effects, Hundreds of Wings

Thousands of Armor and Weapons, Skill Costume, Skill Color

Unique Appearance and Unique and Custom Titles

Wolfman, Specular System, Huge Bonuses and Many More

No Alchemy | No Switchbot | No Multiple Clients | Events Every Day

Unique and Old Equipment: AstarothGlobal includes all the old items from 2009 until now, When the beta opens on the server there will be about 100+ effects, 100+ wings, 1000+ armors and weapons, etc. This provides a vast variety for character customization.

I want to mention that these items will only be counted in beta, during the official opening weapons, armor, effects, pets, mounts etc, will be added more every weekly.
And some systems that we believe will improve the players' experience in the future.

Related to Game Mode.
This will include all races, even Lycan.
Each breed has its own unique way of using it.
For example Sura is based on the highest damage on game.
Or a Ninja that is based in such a way as to resist multiple spells. Warriors and Lycans are focused on mass battles due to their ability. Shamans being so very flexible, they can attack both from a distance
but also from close range depending on which skill you chose.
This applies to all races except Warrior and Lycan.

Astaroth.Global - PvP Ultra Fun

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